We're in the Water

Big day, early start at 8am in the yard preparing for launch. Booked for 11 but her bottom hit the Baltic briny at 1030 and the mast was on by 11. Our first time putting the mast back on - we're keel-stepped so it comes through the cabin roof and seats in a slot through the floor - the guys here at Weilandt handle a 1,000 boats a year and they are brilliant. 

Christian the rigger jumped on board to tension the new rigging he had supplied. We attached the boom and the spinnaker pole, not without a little swearing. And she's looking more like herself as you can see. The engine started on the button and the cabin is looking more cabin than workshop.

Now it's 1900 and were sitting in the pub opposite the boat and wolfing down fish & potatoes various - wow it tastes good. After the rigours of the yardwork this is a good feeling. 


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