Ice cold in Heiligenhafen

Today was a red letter day for SIRENA IV. After weeks without any proper cooling of our food,  the 30 year old fridge was repaired by a business-like German engineer called Karlsen. He happened to have old fridge bits which made it work. He's given us a control panel which looks like something from 1970s East Germany (see pic) but he told us it is a 'grandfather' whereas our old panel had been 'great grandpa'. He didn't even want cash payment but is sending an invoice by email. How very trusting of him. However much it costs it won't be the one thousand quid plus of a new fridge plus labour.

Once we had crowed with delight over the working fridge, we sauntered into town, past the harbourside, church and museum (see pics) and bought lunch from a sandwich place in an old trawler -:fish cakes with garlic sauce and potato salad.

Then back to the boat for the eternal list of Jobs. We despatched more spiders to the deep,  including some humdingers who were not happy to go swimming, measured up for fender covers and for a larger ensign (that's the red flag with the Union flag in the corner which all British craft fly). And there was other stuff which would bore you silly.

The wind is still roaring in the sea of masts here in Germany's second biggest marina. It's supposed to be quieter tomorrow but there might still be big waves left over when we motor the paltry five miles or so to Burgstaaken on the island of Fehmarn where SIRENA IV spends her winter in a warm shed. 

Our food is properly cold now and we will celebrate with am ice-cold glass of German Sekt.


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