Plans change, wind is king.

One flashback to Fehmarn; 2 pics of that submarine  outside and in.

One more note on Gedser which is a very functional routing stop; it has plagues of mosquitoes. Oh, and there is a 100 boat rally arriving there tonight - thankfully by luck we are one day ahead of them.

Another picture perfect day of weather; a steady breeze, clear sky, sparkling sea ... but the damn wind is still in the East, and it's East we want to go! Us yachties are so hard to please.

So another motor-sail day, although we did get an hour of proper sailing at the end when the wind veered slightly. 32nm in 6.5 hours, the standard 5nm per hour which is what we always estimate. 

We passed a large Norwegian tall ship Sørlandet sailing extremely close hauled and doing all of 2 knots. We think it's the one we toured over in Greenwich during the tall ships week there. We are tied up in Klintholm now, on the Danish island of Mons, preparing dinner ... and she is still out there heading this way. Klintholm is another very tidy marina that is bigger than it looks on the maps. 

The wind forecast is relentlessly East sector and getting stronger so our new plan is North to Copenhagen, and back East to Sweden when it relents. We have to return to UK on 30 May for a week. At this rate we'll be leaving her in Copenhagen. This lost time may blow our stretch target of Helsinki, but part of the attraction of the Baltic is to go with the wind. We've spent too much time in the UK fighting headwinds rather than sit still - here you can just go in another direction.


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