Jobs day

Today we got up at 6 to sail to Rodvig as a step on the way to Copenhagen, having realised going east to Sweden is a nonstarter given the direction of the winds.

But caution prevailed. We didnt go. The blasted easterly winds were bigger than forecast and threatened to be in our faces some of the way. Getting into Rodvig would have been fraught as it is subject to a long 'fetch' of wind and waves all the way from Poland. 

We had a jobs day in Klintholm instead. Whoop. Best of all, Nic got into the deep starboard locker and had successfully replaced the old water pump (see pic of the offending article) by 0930.

It works! We have running water again and can wash up and wash ourselves. What a step forward for mankind. And it's a damn sight quieter than the old beast.

That was just the start. We ordered the new windlass motor which we need to raise the anchor. It will be delivered when we are home in June.

We did other small jobs which are too boring to mention and crossed off half the standing list. Now we are cooking curry and rice and hoping the weather forecast for tomorrow will prove to be right - a much calmer day to motor against the wind.


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