Danish cheer

Yesterday was our last day in Fehmarn and we found time to visit the Uboot museum- a 1960s German submarine which is forever beached. It was interesting enough - only one heads for the entire crew!

This morning we fell back into the old routine of preparing for sea although doing everything for the first time in 8 months is slightly nerve racking.

We were setting off from Germany with no water pump - hence no washing up or washing hands or faces- and no motor for the anchor windlass so we can't anchor unless we can drag the heavy beast up ourselves without ricking  our poor old backs. Nic has a new water pump but no time as yet to fit it. But the windlass motor is kyboshed and no replacement yet identified.

We set off anyway and raised the main sail quickly to check we'd put it all back together correctly- which we had! Much joy.

But the sail was no damn use,  as we motored directly into the northeast wind for most of the 32 miles to Gedser in Denmark. Still it was sunny, if bitterly cold. Thermals were deployed.

It felt wonderful to be at sea after all that grinding hard work in the yard and all the money we've dished out on new rigging and sea cocks and the rest.

We crossed the route of container ships with only a couple of avoiding tactics and arrived in sleepy Gedser before 4pm. A steady stream of yachts arrived and then, horror of horrors,  a motor boat full of potbellied half-naked drunken Danes playing Hotel California at stadium level. They swooped into the space next to us which is the fuel berth. Dismay was written on our English faces.

Luckily they decided to leave after half an hour when it became clear there was no one to deliver fuel.

And now it is quiet and a stir fry supper is under way. We have installed mosquito nets over the hatch and companionway as there are mozzies everywhere and big ones at that. 

We have a difficult routeing decision to make - given easterly winds do we scrap our plan to head east to Sweden and head north to Copenhagen instead? 

Find out tomorrow.

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